It is almost time for Halloween! I am sad that this will be my last year to get away with multiple costumes! I put together polyvores of my costumes and two costumes I think will be all over this place this year.
Happy Haunting :)

Blair Waldorf
I guess none of you are suprised that one night I am being Blair Waldorf. My boyfriend
and friends have been giving me attitude about this costume selection for the simple fact that they think I put my "Blair" on everyday in my ensembles and I won't look dressed up. At least I didn't have to buy anything! All you need is a girly skirt & shirt, a bow head band,funky tights, and girlish flats or ankle boots and your set. Still trying to convince my boyfriend to be my Chuck Bass. XOXO

Garth from Wayne's World:
This is what I am being on Saturday. I thought it would be pretty funny. My boyfriend is being Wayne so I am Garth. I am just throwing on ripped skinnies, a vintage tee, a warm fitted flannel, clear Raybans, and little boys converse. This outfit didn't cost much at all either. The rocker make up is a must. Totally Dude!

I know there will be a lot of MJ costumes this year honoring the late and the great. I thought itd be pretty simple to get this costume together. Throw on a military inspired jacket, a white V-Neck,get some sequin or shiny leggings, and some cute studded flats or oxfords. Now whose Bad?

Lady GaGa:
I think this would be such a fun costume! Anything goes here! Leather, sequins, angular shoulders, short hems, corsets, jackets, boots, a blonde hair piece, crazy make up and your best Poker Face.