I have been obessed with these printed tees I got from Forever21 this summer. They are my go to graphic tops when I am in a crisis dont know what to wear and have 20 minutes before class or a meeting. They are sheer and soft and noticed this print catching on everywhere and sadly just recently discovered the
print style is

It is designed to look like you've washed the shirt about 57 times in a row to make it comfy. The shirts are striated and pulled to create a sheer look to the light fabric. The tees look very vintage and hippie chic (see Nicole above). They don't just have to complement a hippie look either...I wore my white one with a pair of blue wide leg trouser pants and leopard print flats to work. Effortless and fashionable.

It seems that Fluxus' burn out tee is a favorite amongst the celebs and starlets of Hollywood. Don't want to pay the $63 price tag to look like Nicole? Try of Forever21 or Urban Outfitters! Add this to your style for class tips below.
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